A home for Blacky

We’ve had this wild guy for about 8 months. He was brought to us all naked by the Ecobalance – covered in bloody wounds, but filled with wild enthusiasm enough to fill 3 more dogs. We separated him, we treated him and… that’s it.

You’d not believe how many adopters we brought to him – the moment he began pushing them, trying to take off their shoes, jumping on their shoulders and all in all – behaving like a very impolite bear on light drugs – adoption chances slipped away.


Despite all this – Blacky’s loneliness has come to an end – destroyed by Valentin Georgiev. He really took the time to choose between our craziest animals and to our great joy chose the good, but rude giant! The boy now has a yard of his own and absolutely no plans to change his etiquette. Congratulations!

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