Yet another year passed by “The Farm” and its inhabitants. Another year of struggles and tears, dying dreams or dreams came true.
It was, of course, a tough one, they all are tough, if every day you see the heaviest clinic cases and the worst in people.
Kali is at home
But it was also a happy one – it can’t be otherwise, when hundreds of farmers are in their new homes!
And if we need to be exact 592 animals are the adopted animals from “The Farm”!
537 dogs, 53 cats and 2 rabbits! Which means, that every day one and a half animal went home, because of Animal Rescue Sofia!
The big family of Irma, Zuko and Carrie
Ladies and gentlemen,
Eeyore has left the building (and went home)!
The number of animals, which came in “Franziska” clinic for treatment is 1854 and the treatments our vets performed on them are 10 287!
Aura came with broken pelvis, two broken legs and spine.
She was completely recovered and then adopted.
Chudomir at arrival in Franziska and Chudomir now
We have treated for heartworm 23 patients!
Bruce is just one of our 23 patients with heartworm
28 were the dogs with ehrlichiosis.
2 of these 3 ladies had ehrlichiosis
And 12 doggies were diagnosed with hypothyreoidism.
Before and after photos of Anubis, sick of hypothyroidism
This year the breed that most often was abandoned is changed – after years when the “leader” in abandonment was the Siberian Husky, 2019 was a significant for abandoned Karakachan dogs, followed by Husky and Labrador retriever.
Blaga is one of the many Karakachan dogs we’ve collected from the streets
We could clearly see that the fashion is changed and miniature dogs are the ones people prefer to buy. And we see it, because this year we’ve had more small sized dogs than ever!
One more year is behind our backs. And 2020 is a special one for us, because this is the year of our tenth anniversary!
For 10 years we have achieved a lot – thousands of new homes, tens of thousands of saved lives! But there is more to be done and we are looking forward to do it!
Stay with us, dear friends, because together we change the world! One dog at a time!
Photo credit: Ivanka Patterson for Stardust Pictures