A dumped dogs’ profile

You know that we work is based on the Trap-Neuter-Return program. This means we neuter stray dogs and put them back in their habitat to lower the numbers of stray population. But – we cannot send back dogs that were raised by people – they are not able to survive in the streets. Most of them won’t last a week outside. So, no matter how hard things are at the shelter, we try to always find some space for abandoned dogs. Here are just some of the ones we admitted in the last week:


Ramon showed up the other day – skinny as a skeleton. Although he is supposed to be weary and unhappy he doesn’t stop kissing and put his head in your arms. He is a fun enthusiast who can’t stop in one place – a typical hunting dog. He is about 1,5 years old and only needs a bit of care to become a shiny onyx.

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He is such a beauty! Come see him, you will love him!

ramon and meery

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