Teddy, Steffie, Tinkerbell

Update 03/07/2017

Update 09/06/2017


The funds for the three angels have been raised!

>  Steffie’s operation will be carried out ASAP.
>  Tinkerbell needs a couple of days to fight the infection before her surgery.
>  And Teddy is starting to eat on his own…

Keep your fingers crossed for them!!!

Initial post: А CRY FOR HELP

We admitted so many new dogs to the clinic for stationary treatment this week.
Most of them are going to make it, but these three angels need your help to survive…


What happens when a one-ton car drives through a three-kilogram puppy?
– Something very bad. And in Steffie’s case – all your legs are broken and you are left to agonize by the road bank…

steffie before

Lovely, gentle Steffie arrived almost hopelessly broken, but turned out to be a true fighter. She already went through one very difficult surgery before the quarantine – d-r Hristov applied an external fixture to her broken right hind leg and it has healed.

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Now it is time to amputate the front left leg – the shoulder joint is completely luxated, the nerve damage is 100% and the condition is final. There is nothing else that can be done, the leg has to be removed.

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Steffie cannot get up. Despite this, she always tells us when she needs to pee, so we can take her out of the bed. Steffie is in horrible pain. Despite that, she always kisses the hands that are touching her, grateful and loving. Steffie will fight for her life like a lioness. As long as she gets a chance.

The costs for her surgery will be BGN 200.


Lovely. Kind. Smart. Gentle. Tinkerbell is a dog with a huge heart and an even bigger problem. We don’t know exactly what happened to her, kind people from her neighborhood brought her – unable to stand and with a badly broken shoulder.


The fracture is very severe and a complicated orthopedic surgery has to be performed. The recovery will also be uneasy. Still, the girl has every chance to make it, as long as we’re able to provide her with the operation she needs.

tinkerbell x ray

Her friends in Druzhba district have already raised 140BGN for her. 380 BGN more are needed. Please, help her walk again if you can…


There is nothing scarier than a baby, fighting for his life…

Teddy теди

Dumped in a trash shoot with an unimaginable trauma to the scull, Teddy’s life is hanging by a thread.

The little guy needs 24-hour care and goes home with us every evening, so that we can continue to give him his medications every 6 hours, feed and water him with a syringe.

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We are fighting hard for him, but Teddy’s condition remains critical. He really needs NutriPlus Gel, and Autrauman silver patches.

The additional materials will cost 60 BGN.
(If you want to purchase the things directly – you are very welcome!)

If we manage to save him, he will also need help for a plastic surgery of the paw, as he is missing a lot of tissue there too and the wound couldn’t heal by itself – a skin transplant will be needed. We only hope to be able to get him there…

Can you help?

The total amount needed for Steffie, Tinkerbell and Teddie is BGN 700.

37 Dragan Tzankov blvd, Sofia, BG
IBAN BGN: BG07FINV91501215999954
IBAN EUR: BG50FINV91501215999956
BENEFICIARY: A R Sofia Foundation
ADDRESS: 23 James Bourchier blvd, Sofia, BG

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Send SMS with body DMS DOG to 17 777

1 lv donation for subscribers of Vivacom, A1, Yettel (no VAT)

We can only hope that you decide to make a miracle for them – once more.
Thank you!

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