A CRY FOR HELP: Surgeries for Kircho

Dear friends, thefunds for Kircho’s surgeries have been raised. THANK YOU!!!

See Kircho recovering

Kircho doesn’t expect people to feel anything other than disgust when they look at him. He is a 3 month old baby, but looks like a crooked little old dog. He has demodecosis – half bald, all covered in scabs, he’s been kicked and chased away ever since he can remember.

But when the car hit him – things begun to rapidly move towards a very unhappy ending. Agonizing by the road with two severe fractures – there was no compassionate human to offer Kircho help. His infected skin; his paralysed hind covered in fesces and dirt; his desperate gaze – noone wanted to touch him. Three days of horrible pain, hunger and thirst he simply lay quietly and waited. On the third day someone called Ecobalance to collect “the body”.

But the body doesn’t want to go. The body softly waves it’s tale and blisfully coloses it’s eyes wenever he is touched, despite tha pain. The body doesn’t feel hated or humilliated, he simply wants to live, even with all this pain – he choses life.

Kircho needs two surgeries – he has a broken pelvis and  hip joint. The price of the surgeries howeevr is too high for the shelter – even  with the huge discount we get at the Central Vet Clinic – 520 BGN.

We can’t operate on him – the shelter can’t afford his medical bill. Kircho’s only hope is – YOU.

If you have any possiblility, please help Kircho – DONATE FOR HIM. If we manage to raise his needed ammount – he will be grateful every step he makes in the long happy life that awaits him!

Please, help me… I promise to be good!

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