A CRY FOR HELP: Home for Christmas

Dear friends, the necessary funds to send 20 other doggies to their happy new lives have been raised! We will organize the trip for next week

. And you – be blessed for all the good you are doing!!!
We will keep you informed. Meanwhile we will introduce you to the lucky souls on the last two transports we hadn’t the time to show you.

We used to love the winter. Cuddled up at home in a warm place, looking at the snowflakes out the window with a best friend snoozing at our feet…

We no longer love it. There is no comfort in the warmth when you know so many of your friends are outside in the freezer. There is no Christmas spirit when your only wish remains unfulfilled – so many of them are still homeless…

So, this year, after we closed down the Vivacom Puppygarten for the winter, after we stuffed the inhabitants back into quarantine, killing the only chance dumped puppies in Sofia have, this year we decided – we don’t want puppies at the shelter for Christmas.

Our youngest inhabitants who were vaccinated were photographed and their photos sent throughout Europe. The begging, the whining, the pleading – it doesn’t matter. What matters is that many babies have found homes – permanent or fosters outside our fatherland.

The relentless bus didn’t stop for a rest. We organized three trips one after the other and now 21 new Germans, 31 new Austrians and 26 new Dutch can enjoy the snow from their warm beds…
But their brothers and sisters are still here.

Our desperate cry for help touched many of our partners abroad, but for a third journey this month – both our and their pockets are empty.

For this reason we ask if you can make a Christmas gift. Not for ourselves. For the little ones. And their long journey home.

Please, help us raise the 400E we need to send 20 more dogs to Austria, Germany and Holland where Christmas miracles await them.

Please, dear friends, donate for them! Become their Christmas angels!
If you can help, even with the smallest bit, please, DONATE FOR THEM HERE. Thank you!

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