March donations


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160 kilograms of dry food and about 20 kilograms of canned food were received from our friends at LIDL last week! As usual, the canned meals will be fed to dogs that can’t chew so well or have has stomach surgery. We also thank our kind friends for the washing powder they had saved for us!

Every day the dogs at Bogrov devour over 300kg of food, so every help is greatly appreciated. But the help of the kind staff at LIDL is indispensable, because it has been coming in steadily for a whole year now. We thank them with all our hearts!

Tierhilfe Sofia

Our great thanks to our friends Gergana and Beat at Tierhilfe Sofia who have once more sent our dogs tasty gifts! Gergana and Beat loaded out bus with high-quality food that they collected for the shelter’s many puppies over the past month:

gergana beat (1) gergana beat (2)


The 300 kilograms of quality food and all the useful stuff they sent us have already been put to good use at the Bogrov shelter!

Julia Dilova

Mrs Dilova brought food and towels to the shelter!

hrana kurpi charshafi iulia dilova

We are greatly obliged!
Your help can truly turn things around for us, dear friends. Please, take a look at our WishList – perhaps there is a thing or two you could help us with!

Valeria Dimova

Kind regards to Valeria Dimova who brought sanitary materials and medicinal supplies to our clinic:

sanitarni materiali valeria dimova

Our clinic works 365 days a year, and every single day, dogs that would have otherwise not received any help find love and care in the hands of our kind vets. We constantly have deficiencies in our medicinal supplies, we would be very grateful if you would kindly help.

Andrea Krieger

Our warm regards to our kind friend Andrea Krieger who sent us a parcel of sanitary materials as well:

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We have some wonderful news from Andrea.

Little girl Rada, who was adopted by her 3 years ago after being lamed by Distemper is now much better and actually recovering from her paralysis! Well done, dear ladies!

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What a happy young Austrian!

Thank you for donating!


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