QUESTION: How long does it take to get from here:
To here:
ANSWER: Far longer than it takes to go the other way arround!!!
MALE KEEPERS! Gotta love them and hate them at the same time! Although they are amazing with the tremendous ammounts of work they do – Miro, Radko, Anton and Valko do tend to make a mess. The dogs are always clean and happy of course, but head keeper Vessy Kostourska walks arround like a cazy bee – “put this here”, “move that there”, “boooo, don’t leave this thing like that it will take you no effort to put it in it’s poroper place”… And in the end it’s only her who knows were every single item is stored, thank God for her nerves of steel:
Vessy is still not done with the reorganization, but the work is in progress! You should have seen what the bedding starage looked like when we were attacked by mice! Or better not :)!