Words of helplessness – Part 3

This sad story has a happy ending. Read all about this dog family’s destiny:
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

pred mola

Just a quick remark first as we got many: “Why didn’t you call the police” pointers, we would only mention that Police was alarmed and altogether – volunteers, owner, dogs – everyone went to the police station. On the way there the mother was microchipped and a passport was issued on the name of her rescuer, but the police officers were inadequate and returned the dogs back to this so called “owner”. Outside the police station he agreed to sell two of the babies and then took off with the mother and the third, ill puppy.

Rio and Reya were bought off for no little money. They were placed in vet clinics and after many fluids due to dehydration, and tests, they were diagnosed with Parvoviruses. The boy, Rio, did not make it, and became the victim of this story. Reya however faught off the disease and is currently in a foster home. Soon she would have a vaccine and would look for a permanent home.

reya healthy

Meanwhile, we did not give up and kept following the steps of the mother, whose name is Ayra, and the third puppy. For the puppy, we actually have no information, but about Ayra we know, that in the beginning of this month, the individual who brought her to the condition of skin and bones, got off a bus station in Sofia, while she remained in the bus. She probably got off the bus by herself on the next stop. A day later, she was seen in the area of Hotel Pliska begging food from people on the street. On the 6th of July, she was seen begging food again, this time on Pirotska Street.

So here comes the moment where you, friends, can help. Let’s try to find Ayra together by keeping our eyes open. Ayra has black fur on black and white spots, she is a pointer mix, more skinnier than any stray dog you see in the streets. She has a skin problem, probably scabies, so you can see thorugh to her skin on the side. She’s friendly, goes to everyone. She looks like she’s nursing, but she has actually given birth on the 30th of April so she’s not nursing anymore. This is a photo from Saturday.

mama pirotska

Help us find Aira, so we can help her sooner. A fertile bitch in the street and without her own area is not a good option. We hope she is not already in the hands of someone who would breed her even more. If you find Ayra, please keep her and call 0897 022 671

Thank you,
Maya and Raya

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