We can stop vivisection in Europe

Dear friends,
as citizens of the EU, we have the mechanism to change legislation. 1 000 000 signatures of adult EU citizens from minimum 6 countries are enough to provoke a hearing in the European Parliament.

Vivisection is cruel and unnecessary. It costs the life-long agony of over 12 000 000 of animals every year only in the EU. There are new alternatives to it that multimillion companies ignore. Act now!


Visit the web-page of the initiative:
stop vivisection

What is “Stop vivisection”?

It is an official European Citizens Initiative, registered under the number ECI(2012)000007. You will find the complete information about the aims, committee and sponsors of the Initiative AT THIS LINK. It is the first European Initiative for animal rights.

This Initiative is official, legitimate and multinational. It aims to the collecting of 1 000 000 signatures of legal aged EU citizens, in order for the EP to have a public hearing, followed by a change of legislation.

The object is to prove to the EP that the European community is not in favor of animal testing and wants vivisection banned, and the companies producing chemical house supplies and medication move to more advanced, cruelty-free methods of testing that will cost them a little more, but will spare the lives and agony of hundreds of thousands of lab animals.

From Bulgaria, we need to raise at least 16 500 signatures. Although the initiative has been active for many months, there are only 355 people who signed from our country, as a whole – 200 000 signatures have been raised so far. The deadline for the initiative is 2013.

Биглите са най-популярни като лабораторни животни заради едрото си тяло, ниския си ръст и добрия си характер.
Кликнете на снимката, за да посетите сайта на американските Beagle Freedom Project.

What is vivisection?

Wikipedia: Vivisection (from Latin vivus, meaning “alive”, and sectio, meaning “cutting”) is defined as surgery conducted for experimental purposes on a living organism, typically animals with a central nervous system, to view living internal structure. The term is sometimes more broadly defined as any experimentation on live animals.

We use the term to describe all forms of testing on live animals.

For more information visit the webpage of the International Association against Painful Experiments on Animals.

Въпреки, че е незаконно, Медицинският университет в Пловдив използва живи зайци, за да демонстрира шокови показатели чрез изтезание, вместо запис.
Кликнете върху снимката, за да прочетете повече.

What has been done so far?

Citizens of the EU, such as ourselves have long been fighting the horrible and mass practice of animal testing. Thanks to their efforts many new rules have been applied to the animal testing in cosmetics.

Step by step, test by test, friends of animals defeated the cosmetic giants, leading to a great victory – March 11, 2013 was the day that totally banned the selling of cosmetic products tested on animals.

You see a timeline in details about everything that has been achieved so far AT THIS LINK.

How to sign?

It will only take you 2 minutes to sign the petition. The requirements are your names and a number (ID, social security, or personal – it depends on your country of origin).


Thank you! Please share with friends and relatives!

osvobodeni shimpanzeta sled 30g v lab
Шимпанзета виждат слънчевата светлина за първи път след 30 години живот в лаборатория.
Кликнете върху снимката, за да видите първите им стъпки на видео.

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