“Itzo and his mom” – that is how we know these wonderful people at the shelter – a huge (really tall) young man and his tiny mother, who have been helping us care for the dogs for years now.
The last time Evgenia took abandoned puppies into her home, so they can be vaccinated and safe when they enter the shelter environment, her heart was broken. The little ones were so weak and full of worms that de-worming released too many toxins into their fragile organisms and they passed one after the other. To have puppies die in your arms is hard, but it is even harder when you know that it is a safe future that awaits them.
So, when the family had to say farewell to their elderly dog 0t he question was – what to do. Too much wandering is no good when you are near d-r Marietta Stankova who quickly convinced them that they need to take home a grown-up “cardboard-box puppy” – miss Rita. Oh, just for a while, just temporary… yeah, yeah, you can already guess, can’t you? Rita has a home!
Congratulations to Eva and Itzo for this new crocodile pal they have adopted. But most of all, congrats to Rita who was lucky to find this family. She should be thanking d-r Stankova for being this clever, but – she will never know…
This is the kind of folk that comes to help out at the Bogrov shelter every weekend. You can come too! There may be few of us, but we are the good guys. True, we are not too organized, but, when a few good people decide to do something – it usually works out. Anyone can help, think about it – your effort can really save a life.
We have quite a few things to thank Itzo for, but the most recent one is the making of leads for the waling of dogs at the shelter. We have no clue why we lose so many leads all the time – some are eaten, some lost, but they surely must have a parallel universe somewhere near to the ones where all the pens and socks go.
Thanks to the kind people of PIK 3000 Ltd. We now have 200 meters of excellent used mountain-climber’s ropes! They have promised us more, which would be great! Itzo makes leads from the ropes and the volunteers use these comfortable leads for the walking of dogs every weekend.
Ah, if you have some rings (like the ones on the pictures) think about donating them, we are paying 0,50 BGN for these at the moment, but they should be much cheaper.
Bless you Itzo! And best regards to your wonderful mother 🙂