Villagers from Stranja refuse to follow the Animal Protection act

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Despite that this traditional act of cruelty was banned by the vilage mayor, the croud of 300 people, full of mothers and their children, gathered for this barberic ritual called “trichane” for another year yet. Dogs from different households are being rollercoasted into a river as means of making them “better guard-dogs”.

Videos and images show the so-called “tadition” being pulled-off unpunished once again. See HERE for the full report made by

Although this ritual is absolutely prohibited by Bulgarian law, the authorities do nothing whilst the villagers explain:

“In Spain they hang their dogs after every hunting season, they kill tens of thousands of bulls in coridas… The EU has no right to tell us we’re barbaric – the dogs don’t get hurt at all.”

Despite all the promices and efforts, animal cruelty is still not a crime in Bulgaria.

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