VIDEO: Disability is a matter of perception – Elena

It was two years ago when we first met Elena.
Someone had abandoned her with both right legs severely damaged.
She was helpless alone outside and couldn’t cope on her own.
This was her life:

At first, it seemed like a fracture had healed in all the wrong ways on her right front leg. But when we took Elena to x-rays, it turned out both legs on the right were badly damaged – and the pain was excruciating.

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It took many months and several complicated surgeries by d-r Zlatinov until Elena was set free of her pain. She was awesome, she was brave, she was so very thankful – and the miracle worked.

Despite all the progress she had, our sweet lady would forever keep her greeting paw in a “Hi, five!” manner. So what, we thought, that makes her even sweeter. No way such a lovely lady could remain unwanted after all this suffering. And thus… the wait for love began.

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Elena was everyone’s favorite friend at the shelter. When the volunteers would take her out walking she’d make a few quick steps to the nearest suitable location, lay down and wait for her weekly tenderness. Such a gentle dog, so kind and patient…

Two years passed, but there wasn’t a single question about Ellie. Maybe it was her disability that scared people. Or maybe we weren’t being persuasive enough with the candidates who wanted a loving pet. In any case – what was happening to Elena was absolutely unfair.

She remained unwanted for two whole years.
And then… the time came for Elena’s second miracle.

Our amazing friend Selma, who has re-homed hundreds of our kinds in Holland, came to visit in the summer, to choose some of our pups for transferring to her shelter. Selma met Elena. Selma fell in love with Elena. And Selma made a promise – to look for the people who’d love her for the amazing angel she is.

It took another 6 months for that to happen. And it did. Two months ago, we hugged Elena for the last time and send her on the long journey to Holland…

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She was greeted and treated like a princess.  And for the first time in her life, she was in comfort, peace and quiet. Clean and loved, she went on long belly-scratching “walks” and had the time of her life getting ready for her new home.

And what a home it is!
Elena was adopted in a lovely Dutch family, where a loving old man was struggling to fight dementia, his wife by his side. The family had recently lost their dear dog and the man was looking for it every day…


Today, Elena is not only someone’s rescue.
She is also a rescuer herself.
The little angel is saving the heart and mind of her old friend every day, doing everything she can, so that he feels the comfort and company of a true friend…

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We thank our Destiny for bringing us to this point. It’s so easy to forget how much Good there is in the world… But we cannot. Because we see it every day.

And we cannot help but feel honored and humbled by all the amazing people we meet. Thank you… Thank you!

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