Vassilena – our first patient for this year

It’s St. Vasil’s day. The New Year has settled on calendars, people’s souls are filled with optimism for a better future. The streets of Sofia are almost empty – everyone relaxes after parties and celebrations.  Here and there are some stray dog, running around, frightened by the fireworks; the  few drivers are tired. And exactly this is the reason we met Vassilena.

The New Year  wasn’t very good for her – she was  hit by car, with two broken legs, shivering in the cold and hoping that someone will notice her.

As you can see from the picture, so it was – we received a signal for her and Milcho went to pick her up from the street.





Vassilena is sweet 6-7 years old lady, very good and affectionate. And if a dog is able to stay good and affectionate, handling  the pain of two monstrous fractures, then really nothing can stop her to be like that  always.

We immediately brought her to the Central Vet Clinic, where we left her in the caring and golden hands of Dr. Vladislav Zlatinov.


The complexity of the operation (fractures are on both tibias) and the titanium implants identified a serious price – just over 1000lv!

We can afford such an amount only thanks to those of you, who bought our great calendar!

The operation was long and difficult, but successful.




Who knows, maybe the New Year has not been too bad with her at the end – yes, she went  through the horror, the pain and the operations, but on the other hand – she is now in a safe place and we will do our best to give her a better future.

This is the situation, comrades. The new year began. Let us congratulate ourselves.

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