EDIT: 24.03.2013
A final “farewell” to HammerEDIT: 05.03.2013, 13:00
Hammer had a second surgery.EDIT: 14.02.2013, 16:50
Hammer recovering after his surgery.
EDIT: 12.02.2013, 13:40
A few quick words about Hammer: the boy has been operated on Friday evening after his funds were raised. His doctor is satisfied by the way the surgery went, but it is too early to say anything with a certainty. We need a few more days to be sure everything is OK, meanwhile, Hammer is recovering at the CV clinic. Cross your fingers!
EDIT: 08.02.2013, 16:30
Hurray! The funds for Hammer’s surgery have been raised!!!
He is going to the clinic immediately, please keep your fingers crossed for him!
We will keep you informed.
Hammer’s story begins somewhere in Northern Bulgaria, around Byala Slatina, where this lovely old Rottweiler must have been loved and well looked-after by someone. Otherwise he wouldn’t be such a good, gentle, kind and loving dog.
But what happened next? How did he end up outside alone? How did he lose his human, his happiness, his future? He couldn’t tell us and we will probably never know. Life introduced us to Hammer through the mighty power of Facebook – people wrote to us, saying that a Rottweiler with a missing eye is laying by the road and cannot get up. We answered immediately: we are sorry, but it is too far; we barely manage here; we don’t have anyone to send; we cannot help each dog in Bulgaria; is there no one closer that can help and etc….
Days passed and the story of the Rottweiler continued to circle the Internet whilst the poor boy was agonizing helpless and doomed, broken in half. So, yesterday, in their day off from the hard work at the shelter, d-r Ralitza Gergushka and keeper Miro got onto the bus and went on a journey, looking for the dog from Byala Slatina.
Photo 1: Miro handing Hammer to d-r Stankova
Photo 2: Hammer in the clinic – his eye is beyond repair, he has a broken spine, but he is wagging what was left of his tail with great enthusiasm
They found him. They brought him. We took him in for x-rays expecting a black diagnosis, but – a miracle is at hand! The dog does have a broken vertebra, but: he also has full sensitivity on his hind legs; he has the will to move despite the horrid pain; he is fully mobilized; he has an amazing appetite and all in all – Hummer is telling us that he only needs a chance and he will fight with all his might and courage.
D-r Zlatinov who will be operating Hammer if we manage to raise the money for the surgery is very optimistic. There is only one issue – we must be quick. Today is the 6-th day since he has been found. There is no time to wait. We must act now.
Photo 3: Hammer can lay like this forever, as long as he is being touched, he loves it
Photo 4: Hammer must have been starved for a very long time to be in this condition – he is only bones, fur and pain
Dear friends, we managed to find a donor who is ready to cover most of Hammer’s bill, as long as we are able to find the remaining 300BGN (150E).
Please, if you can, help us help the good boy. It is his only chance, but it is a real chance. Hammer is a wonderful, lively, strong and very kind-hearted creature. He has all the precognitions to live many years of happy life. It is up to us if he will have them.
You can donate for Hammer through PayPal, e-pay and by bank AT THIS LINK. To donate in cash, you need to go to the front desk of the Central Vet Clinic mentioning specifically that the money is “for the bill of Animal Rescue Sofia”. We appreciate every little help!