URGENT: Foster home for sweet Amely

What a stroke of bad luck… We first told you of Amely when she was the last of 10 babies at the shelter. No one wanted her, because she used to have crooked legs.

In her former home

After that the little one was rehomed in a wonderful family where she grew up to be a lovely, beautiful, kind, social and very friendly dog. They named her Mia.

And today… today Amely has been returned to the shelter, because her owners are leaving the country without her. She is shocked and terrified.

As a puppy with her people

Amely/Mia is fantastic with both people and other dogs. She is one of those loving creatures that sit at your legs and look at you with a gentle care.

We are looking for a permanent home for her, but meanwhile we hope for fosters to take her out of the shelter. Is you can offer her a temporary home, please contact us.

At the shelter today – stressed and confused

Amely is 1 year old, neutered, vaccinated, healthy and increadibly charming and well behaved. Call us at 0879 022 675 is you can offer her a place with you for a while. Or forever!

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