а. A strong desire or need for food
b. The discomfort, weakness, or pain caused by a prolonged lack of food
Elsa cannot think in words. To her – hunger is an abyss in her tummy. The squealing of her starving pups. The endless kilometers of wandering through the emptiness. Her life.
She managed to nurse six babies to life. But despite her giving them away all her body, she couldn’t manage and they are all anemic and underweight. One of them is on the edge.
They were surviving in the middle of nowhere, at an empty barrage. But now Elsa and her babies are with us. In a safe foster home. Where they are… eating. Eating like it’s their first time. Or last.
And every time Elsa cannot believe her bowl is filling up, she dances and sings and thanks you, for being there for her.
Tiny Anna
This is the smallest of Elsa’s babies. It is too cold for her in the yard of her fosters.
She needs a warm place to stay until she is healthy and vaccinated.
If you can offer her a place, call the shelter at: 0879 022 675