We had forgotten to tell you about our sweet cats for quite a while. Last few emergency cases – Taro, Pooh and Bubka reminded us that we tell you too little of our meowing friends. Instead of us telling you, we decided to let the owners speak for themselves. Here are two wonderful letters from Stanislava Borisova (Tashunko) and Nikolay Beevski (Aladdin).
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“Hello! Tashunko has been with us for quite a while and is feeling great.
We took him for his second vaccine, the doctor tested him for FIV and he was negative. He said we should neuter him soon. I hope we do it at your clinic since some of us are… freighty cats and don’t like strangers.
A few words about the days of Tashunko:
He is very playful, knows no boundaries and is an expert in everything (PC’s especially).
He still likes to dig, but hasn’t found any treasure yet (except the ones we knew were there).
He sometimes disguises himself as a parrot on somebody’s shoulder.
In the morning, when it’s very early a small, purring face appears to rub itself into your eyes, waking us up. There is no chance to get angry at the tiny face though. Since we’ve had Tashunko we seldom oversleep.
He is trying to take over our bed! We wake up cuddled up in the corners while monsignor is all stretched out and comfy on half the bed.
Our life with Tashunko is simple, incredibly happy, always smiling and hard to predict.
We are sending you quite a few photos, but they are not enough to capture the absolute charm and magnificence of Tashunko – the worlds sweetest cat!
Regards from us, a wet nose from Tashunko and a million thanks!
Stanislava and Dimitar”
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“Hello! I am writing to you a bit late, but I can proudly say that Aladdin is completely adjusted to his new home.
It took about a week and the first 2-3 days he was very nervous and didn’t leave the safety zone of the bed. He spent his days hiding under the blanket and his buddy – the cuddly penguin. Now he is moving around freely without any worry, likes his buddy rabbit and most of all – is absolutely friendly. He now feels home enough to wake me up at 3 in the night just to notify me that he is hungry!
I want to thank you from my heart for this wonderful new friend!
P.S. Some photos are shot with a phone-camera, so the quality is poor, but the most important bits are there.”