The photo of Momchil went all around Facebook with a desperate plea for help for many days. And although we are the last people that need to go looking for dogs online, we knew right away: first, we have to act immediately if the leg is to be saved; second – he is not likely to find help from anyone else, because he is huge and no one wants the 3-legged dogs.
So, we admitted Momchi and immediately dragged him over to the orthopedists at the CVC. There, the doctors said that there is not much chance, but we felt we had to try and save his leg. So our doctors began to torture Momchil two times a day by changing his pads with Braunol and sugar 2 times every day. Unfortunately – it did not help.
On the tenth day, as this was the try-out period we had for a non-invasive treatment of his leg, we took Momchil back to the Central Vet Clinic. The doctors examined him thoroughly and had just one thing to say – the effort was unsuccessful and there is only one way out – to perform an amputation. The sooner – the better. We decided there is no point to drive him back with his tortured little leg, so we just left him there for the surgery. We did it in credit and despite the serious debt we have to the kind vets. We hope that the many people who were touched by him would give him just a final little push in the end of his treatment. Especially after they hear the following great news:
We wanted to hurry with Momchil’s surgery mostly because he needed to get the treatment over in order to… GO HOME! Yes!! Because Momchil was adopted and is already with his family!!!
Momchi was adopted by Georgi and Diana Manolovi! They have known him a long time – they took care of him as the neighborhood dog and he came with them on walks with their own pet. Georgi and Diana would come to the shelter regularly whilst we were trying to save his leg, brought him vitamins and food, made sure he is not all lonely and isolated with his pain in the little cage in the corridor where he resided. And they did it – despite all the suffering the boy didn’t lose hope and was constantly checking the faces of the passing people to see if they are not his beloved friends.
Now Georgi and Diana will have to teach Momchil to walk on 3 legs, and also to live a life alongside humans. They will not have a hard time with it for sure – the good boy will do anything to please people. We thank everyone who already helped and the people who will join this last effort now too. And we give a huge hug to Georgi and Diana for the great decision of taking Momchil home and giving him a real happy life!
Dear friends, we owe 150BGN for Momchil’s amputation – we didn’t want to bring him back to the shelter to post his plea for help and then take him back to the clinic again. Please, if you have any possibility – send a little something via PayPal, ePay or bank HERE AT THIS LINK.
You could also leave your donation at the CVC desk.
Thank you!
P.S. Hurray!