The heart of a sponsor

What kind of people are the Animal Rescue Sofia donors?
We have wondered a lot about this, since we don’t know many of you. Are we alike or different? Do all of you have cats or dogs? Do you donate out of pity and compassion, or is it the faith in all that is good and a romantic heart that makes you do it? Or both?

We told you about our food crisis.
And you responded.
You responded and left no doubt – Bulgaria is full of kind and compassionate people. Full of people who still have some trust left in them, who know how to make a correct judgment. Who don’t only think about themselves, but carry Good in their hearts. We have no clue why the Others are so much louder than us, but it is true, we do exist and there are more of us than one would think!

As we run our food campaign we want to share with you three stories that we believe will also have a meaning to you. Because it is stories like this that make us suddenly feel enthusiastic and full of hope for the future in the middle of a most severe crisis. Three stories about food. Food for the most unwanted, the saddest, the most hated creatures in the world – the homeless dogs of Sofia.

The first story is about the Anonymous Donor. About the person who gave what he could and didn’t want anybody to know it was him that had given it. There is a saying we use “do a good deed and throw it into the sea”, but only a few of us can (or at least – we know we couldn’t) keep it modest and with a low profile. The Anonymous donor is OK just to know his donation reached the one it was supposed to. And he is usually a person with very strong convictions about what is moral and what is not.

This here is a gift from an Anonymous donor.  The donor was a lady who didn’t have great means, but did have a Birthday. And as you are already guessing – she told her friends not to bring gifts, but to get food for some other friends she has – the furry ones…

It’s a good idea, isn’t it? A great one, we think! So, when Antoaneta Angelova (the second character of this tale) called us – we were ecstatic. Hers is the story about the Friend.  About a donor who didn’t have a lot of possibilities, but found a way to be most helpful. About someone who – smiling up to their ears and in a good mood – manages to organize a nice event to get more people involved in the cause and in the same time – help.

This is what Anroaneta did for her birthday this year. Together with 25 of her friends: Violeta, Petar (Rousev), Vesela, Vasil, Ivan, Vladislav, Zara, Melinda, Nikolay, Antonia, Nevena, Peter (Panov), Nezabravka, Ivaylo, Anina, Betina, Mark, Natasha, Pedro, Georgi, Maria, Alexandrina, Nely, Maya, Desislava… All of them donated a small sum and then all together they made a gift for the shelter dogs. I think they can all be proud to be in this company!

The third story is about the Big One. The Big One is so Big and Powerful, that we would expect him not to care about the Small and the Weak. We know quite a lot about that – every week we run into the scary face of Money and Success as we go about looking for donors for the shelter. There is a very appropriate saying that we use “he whose belly is full, believes not him who is fasting” But it is not always true. Not always!

A months food for the babies in the Puppygarten will be donated by their godparents at VIVACOM… What can we say… these people have once again proven that even huge companies can have a human heart.

After they gave our shelter the precious Puppygarten last year, VIVACOM didn’t forget it’s little, abandoned inhabitants. After they read on our website about our food crisis, they decided to make sure the little ones will not be hungry. They will donate a whole months’ supply of food for the babies in their Puppygarten.

You know our economy puppy ration is 25 kilograms of food every day, we divide it into 2 meals of 25 kilograms. Our respects, VIVACOM, we never thought we could compliment a corporate policy, but we are very impressed with you and your team!

Well, this is it for today’s storytelling – three stories. Three out of three hundred! With a positive vibe and a hope for a better world. And in every story we encounter there is a Hero – a different hero in each and every one – different, but somehow close. We are lucky to be working at ARS. Not only because we are making our dreams come true, but also because we meet people like you – the Good ones.

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