Two of our cats are now softly purring on their new owners’ laps here in Sofia!
Little Spider was found curled up in the most dangerous place a kitten could find – under the cover of a car engine. Lured by the warmth our little hero made his way through the machine, not knowing he will be finished the very next morning when the car-owner goes off for work.
To his huge luck, his quiet lonely squeaks were heard and a kind lady bravely fought with his hissing and ridiculous efforts to bite as she was getting him out of there. Of course, it took him 5 seconds to be in her hands to find out this is an even warmer place and he begun purring like a little engine himself.
And then… then he was washed, dewormed, fostered, put in an add, met with people… So many things that a tiny stray kitten can only dream of. Being such a lovely, smart charmer – Spider found his place in the heart of sweet Eva Vodenicharova and is already at home with her wonderful family. Congratulations!
The other hero in this tale is Kasparov the tomcat. He was dumped in Mladost on a cold autumn night. Being a cat of taste and grandeur our good guy found it most appropriate to re-locate himself in a nearby BMW parking lot where he got comfy on the leather seats of some motorbikes. There, he was found by kind people who brought him to Bogrov for neutering.
Kasparov was neutered, but showed such a lovely temperament, that a foster home simply had to be sought for him. Meanwhile, he lived in a cage in the storage where he was taken care of by keeper Tzvetan who became very attached to him.
In his foster home Kasparov made a fool of himself on the very first day by starting an open war with the gentle female cats of his fosters. Do note – he had zero problems with the dogs, it was the girls he was after. What an idiot! Quickly – he was returned to the shelter.
Ah, this is destiny! Said our keeper Tzvetan Tzvetanov and immedetely adopted him. The tiger now lives in his own house with a yard, where (to his great delight) he can continue his territorial disputes with neighboring cats. Congratulations!