It was a huge adventure for the baby with the protruding bone – Martin, and the little kitten Shelly that jumped off a balcony after her owners abandoned her there. Here’s how things have gone so far:
Little Martin is baby that we had to admit despite being closed – his bone was sticking out of his shoulder. The boy was so quiet and calm all this time, seems like he was waiting for it all to finally end. You silly little thing! You have no idea how many wonderful friends you have found, do you? Here he is, our little hero, now operated and back with us for physiotherapy and ongoing medication:
We had to fight a lung infection with him (we weren’t even sure he’d make it), his surgery wasn’t right away, he also had a bone infection. So now Martin will be on a heavy antibiotic treatment for about a month. To his great dissatisfaction d-r Zlatinov made him a special drainage and Marti more or less spends his time hating it and trying to get it off. But – nothing to do about it and things look very optimistic for the moment.
Keep your fingers crossed so that he recovers well and his bone continues to grow the right way when everything is finished, because he has some serious growing up planned ahead!
You met her in the beginning of August – she is the kitten that was abandoned in a locked apartment, having starved for too long, she had jumped from a window, getting a very bad wound as she touched the ground. The kind people who found her some days later could not afford the large (dear Lord!) medical bills and asked us for help. Being just a little baby we thought it would be a shame to have her put down and did our best.
To our great horror Shelly had to stay at the Central Vet Clinic for over a month – she was in a bad condition and improving very slowly. Her huge wound needed connective tissue and on top of it all she got a diarrhea that couldn’t be handled for a while – what a mess!
On the other hand, to our great joy d-r Zlatinov finally managed to put our fluffy ball together! Of course, at this stage she is no fluffy ball, she is a suffered, shaved little piece of pain, but give her a month or two and you will see how well things have gone for the lady.
We are VERY grateful to her donors – both the ones who donated for her the first time and the few people who helped when we let you know that she’s piling up bills. Unfortunately, we have still not been able to cover all she owes – if you would like to send her a tiny gift – CLICK HERE – you can donate by bank, by PayPal or Epay.
> You can also donate at the Central Vet Clinic registry, or send money directly to their account: IBAN: BG45BUIB98881007429901; SWIFT: BUIBBGFF Benefitiary: “GALBA Ltd – CVC”. Just don’t forget to write that the transfer is for the bill of Animal Rescue Sofia
Shelly had quite a few people interested in adopting her, we are now getting in contact with them to decide where she will live happily ever after. She has a few more days of medication, then we can start with her vaccines, her neutering… Ah, finally things are beginning to look up for this tiny lady.