Two little orphaned horses became part of the Farm’s colorful family – you can imagine how much we love them and how we care for them… But no matter how loved you are by a human, winter cold can be deadly if you’re a baby horse with no mummy. The ice cold nights will not be a problem for our darling Sherlock and Shakespeare.
With the help of our friends at Horses On Death Row, Svetilo built them a little stable to hide from the cold and cuddle in the hay. Our tiny goat orphans Mimi and Mila will also keep them company. We are overjoyed to introduce you to the youngest of our horses, keep your fingers crossed for them, so that we help them make it to a happy adulthood.
Gentle Shakespeare is 6 months old. He came in 2 months ago, when he was left without a mother, bound for the slaughterhouse. In this short while he became friends with everyone and become the cuddliest little guy in the world – clever, lovely, kind… A golden little horse.
He is eating well on his own, he is curious and calm. His best friends here are the two little orphan goats Mimi and Mila. Shakespeare might be just a tiny baby, but he is already the older brother of little guy Sherlock.
This little man is only 3 months old, but he spent 2 of them already without a mother. This is a big problem, since horses are herd animals and learn what it’s like to be a horse from the others, following their mother for 1 year and then living in groups of juveniles… And our baby already considers himself semi-human, so it’s very important that he learns from his brother Shakespeare how to treat people and other animals.
Sherlock is so young, he needs a special milk supplement in his menu. When he arrived his stomach was runny and crampy, but we managed to get him to stabilize. With the help of the donors, at the moment he has a very good diet and a special menu that keeps him happy. Of course – help is always needed.
Besides Shakespeare and Sherlock, we also take care of 5 other horses – Borko, Mitko, Penny, Silencio and Blake, as well as Velichka the donkey. Every week we receive at least a couple of signals of horses in distress needing us, but as we don’t have the space and resources – we are unable to help. Our big horses are fostered or in rented stables where they are getting all the special care they need.
We continue to work for the making of the first Horse sanctuary in Bulgaria. You can help us out by DONATING. In the meantime, you are welcome to meet the two little boys at the Farm – we are open every day, 365 days in a year!