We received two wonderful donations with our last transports from our great Austrian friends – Stibi’s Hundeparadies!
We found huge loads of food, transport boxes, beds, towels, everyday life machinery and… suprisingly – gifts for ourselves, the people of Bogrov!
Besides the huge quantities of tea and coffee (it’s been a long time since this shelter produced a cup of coffee that was not long expired) and the energy drinks (sugar free, because we need to maintain our good looks) the hard-working crew also got a large amount of clothes. They took out everything they need, but there is still plenty to go. So, we will bring them to our great friend Father Ivan from Novi Han who cares for abandoned children not far from us.
We are full-heartedly grateful to the Stibi’s team for the help we get from them, there are too few people in the world we can point at and say: “we are counting on them”. But we really do. We don’t know where these kind ladies find the energy and enthusiasm to work for so many dogs they will probably never even see, but they definitely do it well! Thumbs up for them!
Volunteers are very welcome for a cup of tea and coffee… while they last, haha!