Ron the Baron – from Seslavci to Holland

What a dignified prisoner 50-kilogram Ron was in Seslavci! He looked as though nothing could ever harm him, the gentle giant… Quiet and calm he waited and waited to be picked up by his owners, not understanding they left him there for good… He looked strong and brave.

Nevertheless his foster parents found out that he had some serious health issues with his liver and treated him as the noble aristocrat he is should be – with care and respect. When the time came for him to travel we were all a bit confused – when Ron was adopted in Holland we used to send the dogs by plane. But a dog like Ron would have to fly in the elephant box… So Ron got on the first bus ride to ARS-Netherlands.

Ron hasn’t changed much, judging by the phos of him and his little princes, sent by his family. He is still that layed back, cool guy, who takes things seriously, but always with a touch of irony. Well done Ron, well done you big boy!!!

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