The destiny of all stray dogs is hard, cruel and often tragic. Some of them succeed in adapting to street life and one day or another – they survive. On the other hand, there are these like Ricardo, who are just not meant to live on the street. He was found by his savior just before the Christmas holidays next to a metro station – skinny, freezing, frayed, with scabies and weighting not more than 10kg. Looking terrible, with stacked fur and appearing black from fleas – a view that leaves you speechless and leaves you to a choice – to be one of the people who passed by him, or to be the one who saved him!? This is how the life of this new unfortunate fellow begins – under the care of his new foster owner. Unfortunately, however, there are many changes to suffer before he is truly happy, healthy and loved!
After all check-ups, deworming and taking him home in the warmth, some symptoms of Parvoviruses and Corona Virus Infection, a rare combination of two cruel diseases with a bonus of scabies. Ricardo and his rescuer however, are ready to fight and tear to pieces and bad forecasts for the curly boy’s end. This is how, after a month of cure, the boy became healthy, and right when they thought the worst is gone, he started getting craps and cry – the diagnosis was rheumatic arthritis due to the two viruses and the fact that he was still growing. The treatment was continuous, scary and very painful for the still young puppy, but the will for life and care with love are stronger than any disease.
Today, a few months later, 7month old and weighting 20kg, Ricardo is a healthy, happy, playful, curious and very lively dog, which constantly seeks contact with humans and animals. Social, loving and fearless, after all he’s been through this little fighter is ready for a new home. A home where he can forget all the bad things he saw in life and focus on all the good things – like a cup full with food, long walks and good people to whom he can be the best of the best friend in the whole world and whom he’ll make the happiest people ever!
We are looking for His people who were touched by his story and are going to give him a beautiful house with a courtyard. After so many months of healing with pains and immobile, today Ricardo is full of energy and plans for making little mischief. Only a courtyard can make it easier for him to truly live his childhood.
We want to give notice to you that because of the many diseases he’s been through Ricardo has weak stomach. That isn’t anything scary and can easily be kept under observation.
So we ask – is this Your boy!? : )