We would like to present Rexy. She is the soul of unconditional love. The one that only a best friend and a grateful dog can give you.
Here is her story:
Rexy is an obvious mix with a shepherd. She appeared one day with her last efforts, exhausted by wandering and fear, and so thin, her ribs can be seen, in the yard of research institute in a neighborhood in the capital city. Her nice red leash was a proof for her domestic origin, and love for people, since only pets have such. Apparently lost or (we rather not think so) abandoned from her home, she went around the booth of the security guard with a last hope for mercy and a piece of bread. And thank God, kind and good people who work for the institute started feeding her, and bring her the leftovers from their delicious food, and so with the permission of the security guards and director of the institute she found her new home, although in the yard of the institute.
Becoming used to the institute staff, she welcomed them in the morning waving her tail, and she would walk them towards their homes, happy that she would see them again the next day. And it all seemed fine – a settled yard life but… as usual there is one big But… the dogs from the nearby pack, in their never ending war for territory and food, often pass by the yard where Rexy lives, and show her who the leaders are. Rexy gets bitten, then she gets bitten again, and every time she manages to get well. This time however, things are really serious. A couple of days ago, a staff member of the institute finds Rexy helplessly lying on the ground, howling from pain. Thanks to her fast and adequate reaction, the dog was taken to Bogrov shelter and checked by our veterinarians. It came out that Rexy was ruthlessly bitten her wounds are infected and she cannot step on one of her paws.
The vets from the shelter cleaned and disinfected her wounds and injected antibiotics. But Rexy can’t stay in the shelter because it is totally crowded and we currently can’t take more dogs. So she is back at the yard of the institute and the staff people there continue the treatment on the spot. Unfortunately, Rexy still doesn’t want to step on her paw. Maybe it is something more serious and still hurts her…
How this story continues depends only on us, the PEOPLE!
Rexy is not even 1 year old. She went through all this only for a couple of month’s life. She is still a child and needs real care from loving people. Judging from the missing angle of one of her ears, she has already been neutered. Judging from her eyes, childishly pure, sincere and loyal, she has a boundlessly good personality, and she is very loving and would turn into a wonderful pet if she received this opportunity. With this personality she won’t be able to survive on the street for long! She needs a thorough medical checkup, treatment, warm food and a loving person.
You can make this a happy ending!