People should never have to bury their children. Ever.

Dogs should never outlive their owers.

Yet, it does happen.

It happens to a grieving mother to have to say goodbye to her dearest person in the world.

It happens to a loving dog to wait in vain behind the door of his master’s home. His wonderful young owner will never return home. Ever.

Rexy is 2 years old. Adopted as a little puppy by a most wonderful young lady, he had no clue of sadness and misery. Not until recently. Now Rexy is an orphan. Now Rexy falls asleep in his lonely shelter cage, burying his face in the only thing he has left from his best friend – her old t-shirt.

Some people might think Rex has no idea what is happening. That he is devastated and broken, because he doesn’t understand what’s going on. But we think he knows. And that’s why he doesn’t want to eat. That’s why he cries at night. Because he knows.

We’ve all lost someone dear to us. We’ve all had days when we felt the world has come to an end. But there is always a shoulder to lean on. That’s what friends are for. And Rex has no friends. Now, he has nothing.

And he is just the dog you create with great love and care – patient, gentle, kind. He needs a person to heal his broken little heart. He needs a home. He needs love.

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