Regards from some of your rehomed buddies

There are few things that can give you more pleasure than the sight of an animal which you knew as a doomed, suffering homeless soul in its new home with its new, loving family. Today, we share with you some of the lovely photos we have received from our little rehomed monkeys in the last days:

Roro the Labrador – found limping and confused in the street

В поза 2 Не знам с какво заслужих това

Roro is wonderful. He has his stubborn moments, but we are managing. He makes no mistakes at home. He is coping with our cat, but that’s all. I don’t think they will love each other to a point when I will see them cuddle, but at least they are not going after each other.

Roro is just unique with people. He enjoys everyone – be there young or old.  He has no problems with other dogs too, only he doesn’t play with them much. He only wants to sniff them and then goes off to pee around the bushes.

I am still trying to get his attention when we are outside, because he tends to simply wander off somewhere. It’s a good thing he always avoids car and the road by our home is a quiet one. He of course always comes looking for me and goes crazy if he doesn’t find me in the same spot. I can’t get him to play with me while we are outside, though.

Промъкване На припек е най-добре

At home Roro will fetch me anything I throw, but he is not interested in games when we are out. The smells and interesting things are just too overwhelming. I hope this will change. Still, he has his buddies in the neighborhood and in the park too.

Well, that is it from us. Greetings to all, Stoyan

Dobranka the cat – abandoned in front of a pet shop

dobranka (1)

Here is Doby (or Dobranka) – exactly a year after I adopted her.
She is happy, fat and lazy!

Puppies Maxi, Sophie and Mozarella – born in the street

These little angels are all siblings – they come from a dumped litter that all went to their loving new families in Holland. Born outside – this little angels had too little of a chance to survive, not at all to be loved and well looked after.

maxi i sofi pri maryke v holland (1) maxi i sofi pri maryke v holland (2)

Today Maxie and Sophie enjoy a happy life with Maryke in Holland!

mozarella marijke (1) mozarella marijke (2)

And Mozarella (as a puppy and today in the photos) has the heart of Marijke!

Sophie – the baby of a stray cat

sofie sofie

Valentine’s day still going on in this house. Love is in the air and we can’t deny it.Pure Bulgarian-American love!

Hope you guys are doing great getting ready for spring. Tell Sofi’s brothers in Germany that she’s doing fantastically great too, and that she’s the happiest girl in town.

Let’s keep I touch and have a nice week. Best regards, Milton & Cynthia

Granny Alma – an abandoned old boxer

Here i send you some Pics from Almi. Not really good pics but nice. On one of them you see Alma with her Masseur Petra. The others are in our flat and with my friend.

alma (4) alma (5) alma (6)

She is so a nice dog. I’m so happy to have her.

Alma is no longer the poor dog from the shelter, she is a dog who knows what she wants and one thing is to wake up around 05:00 a.m. And when Alma is awake in the morning, we have NO CHANCE to sleep one minute longer. It’s not the point that she have to go “lulu” urgently, no, no, no – Alma slept enogh and has the opinon that we have also slept more than enough. Every day the same procedure – Monday till Sunday.

alma (2) alma (1) alma (3)

The newest habit is: when one of her goodies falls from my hand, she doesn’t pick it up anymore. No-o! She has her own buttler named Claudia who picks it up, makes it clean and gives her the goodie from her hand again. Any questions on who is the boss in our house? Unfortunatly it’s not me!

Many greetings from Vienna, Claudia

Queeny – an abandoned pet

Hello friends,
we promised to send you some photos of Queeny’s new life. She is very well, she has adjusted quickly and we don’t know how we ever lived without her!

queeny (2) queeny (3)

Thank you for giving us this joy!
We hope you are well and healthy and continue to do work… and we will all help anyway we can!

Have a great day, Manoah and Queeeny

Vaza (Risa) the kitten – found nearly dead of starvation

Risa 2 Risa 3

Hello, I am writing to let you know Risa and I are having a great life together. We are sending you a few photos as proof.

The lady has more or less all the house under control, she eats like a dragon and plays with anything she can find.

Risa 4 Risa 1

Thank you for introducing us to one another, Nina

Tara the husky – found in the street in a very bad condition

Greetings from Tara!

tara (1) tara (4)

She has now undergone training and is a very good dog. She loves to run and play with her buddy Spirit, who is a husky too. All my neighbors love her. I think she is very pleased. She is used to me and when I go out, she is sad and howls. She misses me. She knows how to shake hands, to jump over obstacles and to always come when I call her, also to sit.

Regards, Elly

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