Plamen – a shepherd from the sewers

We all know that the famous Sofia “sewer” (which is another name for the Perlovska river) is a home to crocodiles. What we didn’t know is that these crocodiles sometimes come in white and with the kindest of hearts. At least that is what we found out a couple of days ago when worried people called us – some dog has fallen into the sewer and has no chance of getting out on his own.

Just out of the sewer

We had no one to send, the shelter was a mess, but the people rang and rang – they couldn’t to it themselves… Miro and Valko dropped everything and went to see what’s going on at the Orlov Most sewer. When they arrived – holy-moly what a surprise! A 60-kilogram middle-asian shepherd was waiting for them down there – with the cut ears, tail and “terrifying” gaze…

When they went down to it – what a sweet guy! A wonderful dog – very confused and worried obviously, covered in mud, hungry and extremely glad to see our boys. We will not be telling you about the crazy white crocodile rescue up the steep slope. The three boys came back covered in mud, but very satisfied with the outcome!

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Miro and Plamen

Miro, who often likes to say “there, I’ve saved another dog” named his new buddy Plamen and put him in his own enclosure in hope some of you may recognize him. We don’t know how Plamko has lived – he lays down scared the moment you lift your hand. But he is otherwise a most wonderful dog. We haven’t tested him with other animals yet, we will let him settle down first.

Hopefully this crocodile is not a dumped one. But if he is – we will be looking for his new friends in two weeks.

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