Past perfect times tale

Once upon a time there were two sisters and one brother puppies – Buryana, Inna and Shrek. They were so small, that nobody noticed when and how they appeared and so no one knew that they existed. It is no wonder, as it often happened that way. But this wasn’t good, because their small souls were doomed to difficult tests – hunger, thirst and all other dangers so they might have not survived.

Buryana, one of the sisters was the most fearless – nestled in the nettle, she moved and whined bravely, in hope that someone would find them. Inna and Shrek also made timid sounds but that was not enough. Time was running, there was no food and the puppies were wasting their power with every hour that passed.

Suddenly, a car stopped by the road. The people who got off the car heard Buryana’s whining and found the three puppies. Hurray! They were rescued. Now what?! The unfortunate story ends here and stays in the past perfect times.


The people were so good; they couldn’t leave the puppies in the middle of nowhere so they decided to take them. They started taking care of them, and the cute pups were returning the good by the kindest, huggable, curious and playful skills they had. In order to grow healthy and happy, Buryana, Inna and Shrek were vaccinated and dewormed. Each day they became prettier and more obedient, learning new things and expecting their own people and homes.


Everyone likes fairytales. Sometimes people even believe in the stories told. Other live like in a fairytale. Please help our heroes have a happy childhood and a love like a fairytale!

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