They still don’t have names. They also don’t have fur. But even though, they are a bunch of sweet doggies which were in danger from people on the streets, because of their unpleasant look. And this is why, they are “farmers” now.
He is a boy, 7-8 months old. Probably very soon will be as handsome, as he is good and lovable.
The story of this girl is a bit longer. A few months ago it was brought by a lady, who said she found the dog and will treat it if we give her free medicines. We tested the type of skin desease, gave he medicines for a month and waited for her to bring the dog for examinations in a month or two. Two weeks ago, someone called us to let us know there is a bald dog on the street. How surprised we were to see the very same dog! It seems the first lady changed her mind for treating the dog and released her back…
And the last one is from two days ago – a tiny 2 months old puppy. Puppies recover from scin deseases much easier than adult dogs, you can expect really soon beautiful Before-After photos from him:)
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