Vera Peykova adopted the Wolf, or as the wolf is known now – little Ruby. Ruby is the dog of an elderly lady – they had lived happily and Ruby was taken care of until the old lady passed away. The grateful descendants were quick to throw Ruby out as fast as possible. Ruby wasn’t happy at the shelter, so it is super good news that this lovely family stepped up!
Lubomir Stefanov and his family have adopted fluffy Maya. She was found dumped in a cemetery. Some people think this is a “good” place to get rid of a dog, because food is often left at graves and is at easy access to dogs…
The 10-month old sweetheart came to us for neutering, but when we saw how small and kind she is, we kept her in the shelter. We were sure she will find people who want her in no time, and so it happened! Lovely Maya now lives in an apartment with two wonderful children.
Rex has gone home with the Nenchevi family! He was brought to the shelter by citizens – they had found him wandering in the street. The boy is microchipped, so we waited for a long time hoping that hi owners would be looking for him. The odd thing is that we didn’t even find an ad for a missing dog – how did he ever get into this situation?
Noone knows. The good thing is he now has two kids of his own to take care of, so he focuses on the future, not the past.
Our sweetest fluffy boy was rehomed with Parvan and Marina Dimitrovi. The good guy is doing just fine in their Sofia apartment and has a new name that suits him perfectly – Ringo Star!