Only temporarily… but how temporally temporal exactly is it?

A story by Nadia

Four months ago exactly baby Zeus took a piece of my heart and my home temporarily. With all his health issues, puppy mischief and husky mischief I can now say in full honesty – this little blue-eyed creature turned my world around.


I wake up every morning with being shouted at: “There’s poo here! Get up and clean it!”. His refusal to understand the concept of an outside toilet, combined with his newly-found skill of peeing with his leg raised has been devastating for the home walls. Family drama “Mooom, Zeus broke my jedi sword!”, “OMG, Zeus swallowed his tooth! What if the Tooth fairy now puts a coin in his stomack!?” That’s my little son, the big one goes: “Maaa, Zeus is harassing my cat again!”… “Kids, do you want to go to the cinema? Only one of us has to stay at home to watch over Zeus.” And the fact that he has been going with me everywhere for the past 4 months, whether I will be visiting friends (“Yes, I’d love to have a coffee with you, you do know I am with Zeus, right?” is often followed by: “Oh, then let’s leave it for another time, OK?“), or at work (“Come into my office, please, ignore this things that is jumping all over you.”), or at a business meeting (“Your idea of a mutual campaign is very intriguing! Please, let me clean up this vomit from your shiny office floor and we will discuss it.”) And the adoption candidates were getting weirder and weirder “Well, I cannot have him with me always, he will be alone, but life is life, what can you do if he dies…” The fact that my two pet dogs sigh in sadness every time the Zeusozaurus walks over them. The fact that he comes with me even to the toilet, because the idea of a closed door between us makes him sad. The fact that there is no longer place for him on my lap, but it is the only way he knows to sit down with me… If only it was just him, but it’s not. With Zeus goes the throne of Zeus – his feeding chair that weighs 100 kilos, his bowls and pots of food, his emergency medical kit, the kitchen paper needed for cleaning his mischief, towels…


All this, combined with the definite refusal from my man who doesn’t want to keep him (“You cannot inflict this little monster on me!”) led to a completely logic and rational decision – Zeus is mine! Now and forever, Zeus is mine! Anyway, I am not planning to do anything “normal” with my life for the next 15 years.

And since no one is interested to interview me for a prospective adopter, I quietly filled in a form without telling anyone and  today I am saying out loud something that my friends have long known – Zeus is my dog and I am his human!


P.S. There is a slight chance that after this is published I might have 3 dogs and no man beside me.

All rights reserved for my option to use this blog for personal purposes in the style of “3 dogs and their lady-owner looking for a male-owner”…

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