Heartworm is no longer considered an exotic disease in Bulgaria and we hope we’ve already convinced you to treat your dog monthly against it. The deadly heart parasite is becoming more common and as you know – the treatment is very difficult, long and expensive.
Currently we have three dogs with the diagnosis being treated at our clinic. One of them you have already met – Grant the Kurzhaar.
Grant came to us in November. Before he was tied up and abandoned in the woods, he was kept tied for 6 years near a swamp. Not surprisingly, the parasite, carried by mosquitoes has infected his heart a while ago and already quite developed. With your great help Grant is already near the end of his treatment and if everything keeps going so well, he will soon be ready for adoption.
Another lovely guy, only younger, a GSD called John Doe. To buy an expensive dog, take care of it, have it love you and then get rid of it when you hear the horrible diagnosis – what a traitor John’s previous owner must be!?
Yes, the treatment really is expensive, takes a long time, it takes months, the drug itself isn’t registered and has to be found from abroad, the dog must stay confined for a long period of time and etc… But what would those same people do with their parents if they are helpless and needing them? Scary thought.
What’s more important is that John is already going through his month-long antibiotic premedication, needed before the start of his Imiticide treatment. If everything goes right, it should take two months for him to be on the safe side.
The third dog with heartworm in our Franziska clinic is Nikita. She came in for a tumor and sarcoptic mange. Catching her was a real rodeo.
Fear is a source of energy, but shy Nikita has been with us for a month now and is already much better under the care of vets d-r Marincheva and d-r Ilieva.The tumor has been removed, her skin is healing, but as usual – there is always a hidden surprise in cases like hers. The 4D test also showed she had heartworm.
Sad street life has taught Nikita to stay away from people. Although she is grateful to be warm and better, she will never be happy alongside people. After her treatment is over, she will go back to her neighbourhood where people will continue to feed her in her familiar environment.
We are happy to tell you sweet Teddy from the Municipal shelter has finished his heartworm treatment successfully and is already living his new life in Germany.
The hearts of John Doe, Grant and Nikita will continue beating, because you are there for them.
from the many dogs on treatment in the Franziska clinic at this moment, and the hundreds whose only home is the Farm shelter, love and gratitude to you all for supporting our work.