News from Chocho, Popeye, Mira, Kimbo, Sivcho and Katya

Dear friends, a week ago we asked for your help regarding 4 good animals that needed urgent surgeries. Here they are – all fixed and shiny, thanks to your help:

Here he is – new, 3-legged Chocho. Amputation is a very heavy surgery. When it comes to people it take years and years for the individual to get used to his/her new condition, mostly because of the psychological trauma. In dogs – things are not burdened by stigma or shame – Chocho is already moving along with his life with that typical wobbly walk that new 3-legged dogs have in the beginning.

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When a dog has an limb amputated – there is one big risk: the risk of a crooked spine that might cause pain later on in life. So, in richer countries, dogs are provided with a prosthetic to help them move along.

Huge lady Mira was operated and has remained under the watchful eye of the good doctors at the Central Vet Clinic. When a dog so heavy has a surgery the recovery is always slower and more difficult. We thank you from our hearts for helping this kind lady! The good news is that she has people interested in having her – a Bulgarian family living abroad. Keep your fingers crossed for her!

Finally, an end has come to the orthopedic saga of sweet lady Katya. The metal plate has been removed and we have moved her file to “exceptional dogs, ready for adoption”. If you haven’t met the lovely Katya yet, you can do so HERE – she is one of the sweetest, kindest and most adorable dogs that have passed through our humble facility. Let’s hope a wise person will see her and chose to take her home!

We only have photos of Mr.Popeye entering the clinic for his surgery – here he is with his personal orthopedician – d-r Vassilev. As we have told you – the good Dalmatian mix was dumped with an old trauma to his leg that was very painful. Thanks to you Popeye has received the treatment he needed so badly and he will hopefully soon be running around on all fours.

Together with all these animals we took Sivcho for yet another corrective surgery.  You may remember him, he is the one who was supposed to have the support of his whole neighborhood when we admitted him with two hind legs broken.


We had to do the surgery on credit, but we couldn’t just leave the good boy like this. He went through too much already, it would be a crime not to help him through to the end. We can only blame ourselves that we believed the empty promises…

We also have news for Kimbo – his diagnosis is out and… it is demodecosis after all! The parasite ran so deep that our samples couldn’t isolate it. The silly boy now has a new medication scheme and we are waiting to get some positive results in a few weeks.

One more time – a huge THANK YOU from the dogs that you have been caring for day by day – it is through your generosity that we can provide them with a roof over their head, food in their bellies and adequate care. The shelter is only there, because so many of us want it to be.
500 lucky dogs salute you!

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