New lives for: Carry, Nelly2, Chochie and Chara


Little Carry was found in the middle of July and in the middle of the highway. Unlike many other dogs at the shelter, she was destined to go home quickly – Angelica Dinkova and her family were quick to adopt her. Carry now lives in her own apartment where she grows by the day.


Katherina Jijeva adopted a little “cardboard box puppy”  we called Nelly2, they live happy ever after in a flat in Sofia! We can’t wait to get some photos of Katherina’s grown baby, we are very curious if she will turn out anything like NELLY.


Chara was a 3-month old puppy when she hit the jackpot with the Kulevski family! Tsvetomira and Miroslav loved her from the first moment they laid eyes on her and she is now a spoiled pet in their home in Sofia!


Anelia Radeva adopted the little sweetheart Chochie. She was the one to find her 3-4 months ago – lost and confused in Knyazhevo district. Usually small sweet doggies like Chochie are quickly re-homed, but no one asked for her in a while, so Anelia took this as a sign form Destiny – the person that was supposed to find her, had already found her… and Chochi will live happily ever after with Anelia.

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