Diva (wild) is a tipical example of how far wrong dog naming can go! She is named “wild”, but she is far from that – sweet, cuddly and HUGE! Her journey started off in Seslavci where she spent many sad months. She was taken in for a citizen complaint and hur future was grim.
Who’d know that would be her lucky moment?! Dr. Stankova (known for her passion for huge dogs) who was ARSofia volunteer at that time in Seslavci spotted her immediately.
By some “chance” Diva arrived in Bogrov during the first transfer of dogs from Seslavci.
D-r Stankova decided that her giant baby needed more love and fostered her. Now d-r Stankova has absolutely and forever fallen in love with Diva and decided to keep her. She has signed the adoption papers and Diva will remain with her forever.
Congratulations to both!