Letters of love and happiness

We have told you before that we like nothing better than to get photos from the new lives of our happily rehomed dogs. Well, we lied. We like the stories and letters that bring them to us even more! Here are two that we chose specially for you.

The first wonderful letter comes from Zlatina Mihailova the new best friend of Lord. Lord came to the shelter as a tiny puppy 2 years ago and has seen nothing of the outside world. Here is how he manages to adapt to the huge new world:

“Hello, I am the one who adopted Lord, who now has a new name – Oskar, or Karry.

Karry is doing great, I am amazed how smart and good he is. Already we can’t live without each other. He has adapted well with the people and dogs in the neighborhood, he is extremely  kind and calm, he shows no aggression at all. Until a few days ago he used to bark at strangers, but that is already behind us and he has become a very friendly and lovable dog. He is still a bit afraid of the dark, but he now has more confidence and brave with the things around.

I am very happy with the fact that he does absolutely no mischief at home and always waits for me to take him out to do his things. I am already letting him off the leash and he walks by me, coming when I call. Now he has the chance to rung and sniffs the grass free as a bird. He is lively and full of energy; we enjoy long walks in nature together.

This weekend I took him to the woods over Zheleznitsa and he loved it. First he was a bit suspicious of the river and went in carefully, but then he began running and stomping around in it, I even had a hard time getting him out. Now we have to think about his bad teeth, for now he is eating his dental stix in no time. He is an exceptionally lively and fun dog, he fills our home with love and laughter.

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Cherry is a tiny dumped pet who spent about 3 months in looking for a new home. This is the wonderful letter we got from Petya, Angel  and Maxim Malakovi – her new family:

Hello! I thought it’s time to send a word of Cherry so you are not worried.

After we picked her up she was bathed and brushed. She calmed down very quickly and was very happy to be with us. The first 2 days she hid from us when we wanted to put the leash on her. We think that she did it, because she thought we would take her out and abandon her. But on the third day she already knew that she will come home with us, so she no longer worries. Now she is first at the door when she hears the lead rattle.

We have absolutely no problems with her hygiene – a morning and an evening walk are enough for her. She has an excellent appetite – the ffod is not chewed it is directly swallowed. Our boy already calls her The Vaccum Cleaner.

Cherry follows us around everywhere and looks at us with that loving look that simply melts us. She is doing great with handling our son’s affections and that is not very easy to bear. She is constantly hugged, touched, picked up, called… Ah! She is even trained to dance…

So, don’t you worry about Cherry. I am sure she is very happy with us. And don’t worry about us either, we are also very happy with her. We never thought we could find such a calm, loving dog.

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