Let’s welcome September

It’s September! The last days of summer are going by. Soon the leafs will start to fall, the temperatures will go down, another season will come. But our dogs are still there – in Bogrov, waiting for a change to come in their lives too, the life behind the bars to be changed with one happier – a life with loving family and home.

It’s September! And while our dogs are waiting, the everyday life in Bogrov is still the same and we continue with the walks. This weekend we managed to walk all 500 dogs once again. The new month came with a lot of good mood, walking under the hot sun rays, enjoying the hot weather and nice company of volunteers and dogs, sharing a few hours of our days with those wonderful creatures. They gave us so much love that will keep us feeling good for a long time. We gave back the dogs as much love as to warm their dark days and lonely hearts. But they are waiting for more and they deserve more!

So this weekend we will be in Bogrov ready for happy walks with 500 good friends. We are expecting you too 🙂

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