For some people the winter comes with the first snow; for others – when the temperatures decrease under the zero and they have to put the big winter coats; and for third when the calendar winter starts. But here – in Bogrov, the winter starts a lot earlier and the first sign of it is the drastically decreased number of volunteers. At one point we have more than 20 people helping around and fewer dogs in a cage to walk, and at the next moment 3-4 people have to walk a whole pen of dogs – usually more than 15 dogs in a pen. Don’t ask us how we manage to do it – it ain’t easy. But we know that the weekends are the only chance for our 500 dogs to feel loved, to show how attached to us they are, to run freely, to be socialized, to walk around, to be caressed and indulged. So with or without back-up we are there for them!
What I was talking about is exactly what is happening right now. After the fantastic October and the many enthusiastic friends that came, this weekend we had to make the walks reduced in numbers. We managed to handle the situation .But when we are so little by number it takes us more time, efforts and less time for walking every pen. If we want them all to have their 15 minutes out we have to give our best. The only pen that got unlucky was number 7. It is one of our fullest pens and always takes a lot of time and people to walk it good. This week we were very tired and time was going to the end of the working day so we couldn’t go on and walk them. The dogs were very disappointed and send us with sad eyes
But they know that the Saturday group will make it up for that with delicious biscuits and treats and a lot of love!
Because of everything that was said we want to remind you that every weekend there are walks. You might thing that it is too cold and no one will take out the dogs for you, but don’t worry – we have fearless senior volunteers. They are always in the shelter organizing our weekly walks no matter what the weather is. We’ve seen them walking in rain, snow, fog, in minus temperatures or over the 40 degrees…To be a little crazy helps 🙂 and we don’t think it’s a flaw.
So every Saturday and Sunday between 11.00 and 16.00 o’clock we will wait for you in Bogrov to walk the dogs! Please keep in mind the times given and the rules for the walks. Between these hours there are senior volunteers who will explain to you the organization and will give you a dog for walking. The staff is also there, but they are really busy with all the work they have. That’s why they don’t have much time to help the volunteers.
You can send photos from your adventures in Bogrov to We would love to put them in our weekly posts!