“I don’t owe you anything” or Pekingese can cry too

EDIT 12.03.2012

Toby has been adopted!

This is Toby. A 13-year-old Pekingese  who was abandoned in front of a pet store in Sofia this week. He is nearly blind and only sees shadows. He has a hard time moving his hind legs. He has been dumped in the most fragile age, when he needs his people the most.


Toby’s name wasn’t given by us. He was recognized by his previous owner when photos of him were shared all over Facebook. It was his former owner S.D. that recognized him – she had given the dog to someone before she left to live abroad. Today S.D. has no contact with the people who adopted her dog and these are the first photos of Toby she is seeing after she left him.

There are a few ways that you could react to this situation. S.D. decided to write us with the question “how can I follow his life at the shelter?” As you can guess, in this situation when Toby is in a cage in the midst of the huge, frightening shelter with 500 unfamiliar dogs around him, we were not too polite. But we were not rude also, not yet.

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In the conversation some facts were cleared:

-I am absolutely sure this is the dog we left to a woman is Sofia before we went to live abroad;

-This is Toby, he is now about 13 years old, he has no microchip, we left him to a woman on the same street where he was found.

So, do you think this is good news or not? That Toby’s friends have been found, that he is not alone in this world? Yes? Well, think again. To the very simple question – does S.D. want him back or is she planning to do anything at all to help her old dog, we received the following answer:

-That so simple, isn’t it – somebody calls and then you can blame them and demand that they do something…….

-I now have 2 dogs, we care for them as family members….I cannot imagine that a dog can be dumped as trash!!!

Here they are, S.D’s loved dogs. One of them was brought from Bulgaria, when she made the decision to leave Toby here. They don’t look like Toby, do they:


You can now guess where things are going, right? But, we are known as very patient people. So, we asked again – does S.D. plan to at least donate something for the treatment of “her” dog, maybe she would feel ashamed that strangers would have to care for her own animal:

-Donation is a personal choice, you have no right to ask me this!!!

-I don’t owe you anything.

And thus – our conversation is finished.

Poor Toby, you have been through so much, and so much is still ahead.

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We will try to stabilize the boy. We will try to find him a home. Abroad. And we will fantasize about Toby meeting S.D. in that far-away land, where, with an arrogant gesture he would somehow be able to stand on three paws, so he can royally piss on her shoe. Because the lump in our throat is so big and painful, that there is nothing left for us, but to fantasize.

Our shelter is funded through donations only.
You don’t owe us anything.
But do help if you have the means.
Your donations save the lives of the unwanted.

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