Houses for the Bogrov shelter!


Eight fabulous new houses were received by the dogs of Bogrov during the last few weeks thanks to the incredible:

Elena, Sonia, Petia, Albena, Anna, Kirila and Evgenia!

On behalf of the lucky new inhabitants:
Your houses will provide comfort and shelter to tens of lucky Bogrov doggies!

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This is a model house which is very convenient for us. It has a good front and is convenient for stacking.

Each house is made of one piece of shutter material. They cost 70 BGN. You can order a house for us from Evgeni: 087 86 022 12 – you can pay him, he will make them and we arrange the transport.

Evgeni is a friend, who has driven the bus voluntarily on our long-distance journeys, he has fostered dogs for us, and he really cares and will do his best for the dog houses.

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