Hospital at the end of the city – October patients

In every single moment, our clinic is full of dogs, who literally own their lives to you. No matter what words we write, they would not be enough to express how much your help means. This is why we decided not to say, but to show you.

Here is a small part of the souls saved by you this month. Each has a different past, a different pain. They have just one thing in common – they are alive, because of your generosity.

The first one is Germa, she is also the oldest dog in our clinic at the moment. She is a calm, sweet dog, over 10 years old, we treated her for her huge tumors. As with any dog that has large tumors she became more lively and is like a new dog after her treatment. After she recovers Germa will spend her last days at our old dog nursery.

This tiny creature came to us in a horrid condition – with a necrotized, fallen out vulva. Her owners had left her to copulate with a much larger dog. She weighs only 5 kilograms and is probably about 8 years old. Her owners don’t want her back. Fortunately the old lady is already in her foster home, recovering.

We told you about Sivcho who was with us for his recovery after 2 of his broken legs were operated at the Central Vet Clinic. Sadly, his friends have still not been able to raise the money for his surgeries completely, so he became yet another poor dog in our list of debts at the CVC.

This old granddad came to us from Ecobalance. He has all sorts of problems to be treated, but the worse must be that he suffered a brain stroke. He now carries his head to the side always. We want to make him better so he can live in dignity with the rest of our oldies. He is such a good, calm dog.

Another senior citizen – Trayan. He is not that old, 7-8 years probably, but that is a hell of a lot when you live on the street. As you can see on the photos – he is a very sweet, very friendly, smiling dog. He had tumors on his testical and of course comes with a bonus – a skin disease that needs attention.

Calm girl Dushka who was shot with a live cartilage 3 months ago came back from her foster home where she recovered perfectly. We removed her fixative and she still can’t believe she is free. Now all she needs is a home.

Yet another old dog in our care – 9 or 10, but in a very bad condition. He feels very uncomfortable in his itchy skin, but is nevertheless an absolute sweetheart. Calm, kind, friendly, always willing to make contact. We hope he gets better quickly!

Tina, to whom you gave a much needed surgery is recovering and feeling well. It’s hard to make a decent photo of her since she is such a joyful, friendly dog. Everything is going well with her.

The Squirrel was at the CVC for his check-ups and received praise from the vets there. He is recovering well and according to the plan.

This here sorrowful young boy is a Bulgarian Shepherd dog that weighs below 20 kilos, severely emaciated. He is blind and probably lost his eyesight recently since he can’t get around well. We can only speculate if it was his blindness that prevented him from eating or this is a case of severe neglect. We will never know as he was brought to us by Ecobalance and we have no information about his past. What concerns us is his future and for it to be a good one, he needs a foster home where he can gain weight and get used to getting around without his eyes. Please contact us if you would like to help him.

We’ve long lost count of the puppies that get duped with an infectious illness at the shelter. They are hard and expensive to treat, but they all want to live so badly..

And finally – the Usual suspects – our non-infectious dogs on long treatments – you know them, because we keep them tied outside during the day, so they can benefit from the sun and fresh air.
Kind blind Yotzo;
former paralyzed and doomed boy Brownie who can now walk;
little Lilly – the pup with the many surgeries – free of a collar, but still “tied” outside in her mind;
your buddy Rex who is now on a special home-cooked diet of Lamb&rice, since it turned out he doesn’t digest commercial foods so well.

Brownie and Lilly playing

Rex and Yotzo outside at their usual spots

All these dogs owe the fact of not dyeing miserable on the streets – to you.

There are no words to describe our gratitude to the people, who donate for Animal Rescue Sofia.

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