Edit: 08.08.2014 The money for Buzanka and Tyra are collected! Thank you, dear friends for giving them a hand!
Tyra is going on operation, Buzanka’s bracers are ordered! 

It is time again to take a look at our patients in the clinic.


Wе аrе terribly embarrassed to mention Buzanka’s paws one more time, after you already donated so generously for her.  The operation was successful and Buzanka is much better, but…. Dr. Zlatinov recommended us, due to the total lack of muscles in her paws, to order her a pair  of bracers/ temporary dentures.  She should go for walks with them at least a year, so that the recovery will become painless and mostly – safe for the future of the feet. These special bracers can be made by masters of prostheses here in Bulgaria. As you can see on the photos below, the optimist Dr. Zlatinov already made mouldings of her feet to be sent in Rousse, where the rails could be made.

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Meanwhile, under closer examination of a dog, which was not supposed to cause problems, it turned out that there are torn knee ligaments on both hind legs. We took Tyra from Seslavtsi because she had spent a few months there and we had a foster home for a Rottweiler. Now we can not close our eyes and let her suffer and get worse and worse every day – not without at least trying.




This sweet cat used to be someone’s pet. Howcome he ended on the street we don’t know. What we know is that he understood the bad sides of being homeless very fast – Sergeant Matzoli was hit by car. He was lucky to be found by a good person who took care after him and not only brought him to us, but also paid his first examinations. Both his jaws are broken at several places. Operations are about to be made by D-r Zlatinov. We thank Boryana Andonova and her friends, who collected 400levs for his operations.

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This pall was so lucky to be seen. After we received the signal, Milcho took him out of the pit he had spent a few days. We must admit, after stepping on the ground he didn’t stay long enough even to say “Thank you” but escaped fast.




This nice guy still doesn’t have a name. What he has though is a terrible skin disease and an eye which cannot be saved. He will stay with us for a few months – skin diseases take time. Yesterday the dead eye, causing a lot of pain to the boy, was removed.

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We know that the bracers for Buzanka are not life-saving, and Tyra has already experienced months with torn ligaments, yet we ask:

Help us to help them! Buzanka’s rails cost 500 BGN. For Tyra’s operations we need 700 levs more.

Even one of this is too much for us, but both together are impossible!

If you find that two sets of legs deserve to be healthy, please donate:

CLICK HERE – if you could donate by bank, by PayPal or Epay.

For Tyra you can also donate at the Central Vet Clinic registry, or send money directly to their account: IBAN: BG45BUIB98881007429901; SWIFT: BUIBBGFF Benefitiary: “GALBA Ltd – CVC”. Just don’t forget to write that the transfer is for the bill of Animal Rescue Sofia.


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