Dear friends, the funds, needed for both surgeries have been raised. THANK YOU for yet another two miracles, the dogs will be forever grateful to you for your generocity!
Tina is a former house dog. Chihi too.
Tina’s person beaten her to death, tossing her at the pavement and throwing her on the ground.
Chihi’s person abandoned her when she became lame and needed a veterinary help.
Tina is a hound dog from Katina, weight 20 kg. Chihi is a doll-dog from Karlovo, wights only 2kg.
Tina is a wonderful dog, but her injuries are severe
Why do we tell you about those two different dogs at the same time?
Because destiny took both of them to the wrong owners. And that same destiny brought them to us at the same time.
We took them to X-ray together, we heard their diagnosis together. Tina’s leg has been broken at several pieces. Literally. There’s no chance for it to heal by itself, surgery is needed. Chihi needs a resection of the head of the coxofemoral joint in order to walk normally.
If we had to take care for only one of those girls it wouldn’t be that dramatic. But why it should be easy when it can be hard?!?!
We made Chihi’s surgery on credit – as it was the cheaper one we decided to go for it and see what will happen. Chihi has been operated and now she’s under the care of her foster mom. She will recover fully and we will make sure that she will never be abandoned alone on the streets again.
What kind of person would hurt this little angel?
Tina’s surgery is coming up. Eventually. If we cover Chihi’s debt of 250 leva and we find the money for Tina’s leg – 450 leva.
If you would like to help Tina and Chihi, please, DONATE for them and the Bogrov clinic. You are all those young girls have!