Ginger is a young female dog at the age of 9-10 months, extremely friendly and lovely.There is no tragic story to be told about her, she is just far too good hearted and has too much trust to people to simply stay on the street.
We first found her in the spring, at the crossroad of a busy intercity road where she was just sitting before an yard of a local woman, obviously receiving food there from time to time together with her mother.We started feeding them each time when passing there and Ginger started sending us off reaching the very highway.There she was injured by a car the consequences of which were not quite successfully healed by the lady taking care.So this is how we took her along with her mother to Sofia to be neutered and while the mother was returned to the care of the lady there we kept Ginger with the intention of trying to give a chance for a better life than the one on the road. She is already vaccinated, dewormed and proved to be one of those intelligent dogs that are quick learners especially for hygiene habits.Ginger is a small in size dog/12 kg/ and will not grow more, extremely social one, getting along with all dogs, now she is missing only a loving man to recognize in her his/her beloved pet forever so that she can make him extremely happy!