Your gift to SnowWhite

Dear friends,
As you are well aware we have many animals in need and are literally scrimping for every cent. This means that if we must choose between two therapies for a dog – we always choose the cheaper. In SnowWhite’s case that was an immediate surgery to remove stones that are blocking and causing a heavy infection in the gastro-intestinal tract. It was decided that the dog spends a night at the clinic where her indices be brought to a relatively normal point so she is under a lower risk when she is sedated for surgery.

SnowWhite was already in pre-op when it became clear she has nearly three times the amount of money we initially asked for – her story got a huge response and we are still getting letters and calls even today. After a thorough consultation with d-r Voychev and the team at the CVC we have made the following important decision:

We will treat SnowWhite for a longer period and – it will be more expensive, but the results will be more predictable and what is most: considerably safer. To be completely honest – it would have never crossed our minds to ask you for such an expensive therapy – one that is meant for a loved pet, for a dog whose life is worth saving no matter the cost. You did this one on your own – no questions asked, in generosity, straight away.

Thanks to you – SnowWhite will live. What is more – she will be able to stay in Bulgaria’s best veterinary clinic, where a team of over 30 doctors will make sure she gets the most adequate treatment and expensive therapy. She is already getting: several types of antibiotics; protectors; daily blood tests; daily echo sounding; 24/7 veterinary observation!


Thank you. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the miracle, for your impossible kindness, for the second life you have provided for this lovely lady. Thank you for sparing us the hours in the hospital corridor – wandering if she will wake up or not. Thank you for giving her the chance to recover at CVC and not at our post-operation ward where she would be alone from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. Thank you for sparing her a distressing operation and recovery, for sparing her a huge risk.

Our gratitude to doctor Kaloyan Voychev as well, as he is the one leading SnowWhite away from the claws of Death. We wish you health and happiness, doc! We hadn’t seen a person so happy with the material he was able to extract through a series of difficult manipulation from the rear end of a dog, but… there is always a first time for everything. Thank you for your perseverance and hard work!

Meanwhile two people from Bistritza have appeared – each of them claiming that this was actually their dog, but neither having any document proving their statement. Currently, it is more important to take care of SnowWhite than the people who have possibly put her in this state. When the girl has recovered, we will meet with them to find out what their claims about her are.

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