Dear friends, Rory has found her loving foster family, thanks to everyone for the support.
We have another blind baby looking for love – little Felicity, maybe Rory will bring her luck…
Imagine the sweetest possible creature. Now multiply it x5. Even then you will hardly imagine a being sweet, gentle and good as little Aurora.
With her colossal weight of a whole kilogram the little pea carries the weight of an illness and abandonment in her. But it seems to not have harmed her at all! Because despite all the difficulties that she had to go through – marvelous Aurora remains one of the most heart-melting creatures on this planet.
Aurora is named after Aura – the blind little Labrador we rehomed in the beginning of the month. Sadly, her destiny is repeating again:
She was purchased from a pet store. The new owners took her to the vet where it was made clear – the puppy is blind. The pet store didn’t take the dog back or refund the “purchase”. So Aurora was taken back to the vet and left there.
Rory underwent a treatment and began to see somewhat. Although not too well – it was enough for her to get around and have a perfect orientation. A diagnose was made as well – juvenile epilepsy.
Rory’s condition is curable – she hasn’t had a seizure since she is taking medications. In time the epilepsy will wear out – the doctors can’t give a 100% estimate, but it should take 2 to 3 months to cure her. The only thing that isn’t 100% sure is if they will be able to recover the baby’s eyesight to 100%.
Aurora needs a foster home – she can’t be admitted to the shelter, as she is not vaccinated and is too small and fragile. She doesn’t need much care – she takes her medication 2 times a day, the rest is love and hugs. She is a quiet, obedient and absolutely irresistible!
If you want to have Aurora as a forever or foster parent, please – write us at
See Aurora get around: