Animal Rescue Sofia and the dogs of Kremikovtz thank ANIMAL HOPE NITRA and Mrs Sonia Mitreva for their help in providing food for the needing dogs of Kremikovtzi.
The long and painful effort to help the dogs has shown it’s first results, as we continue to feed, treat and help the dogs at the Kremikovtzi plant. We are in dire need of support – not only do we have our own 500 dogs to care for, but we also have the Kremikovtzi orfans – nearly 300 unwanted dogs, starved and frozen – nothing to eat, nowhere to go, no chance of being seen…
If you would like to join our quest of giving aid to the most needing of dogs, you can donate for the dogs of Kremikovtzi through bank, PayPal or epay.
See how the dogs greet Vessy on her regular feeding tour at the abandoned factory: